Mohamed Abdelfattah
Assistant Professor
You clicked on my photo! That means you found a page where I keep random things about myself that do not necessarily fit anywhere else on this webpage. If you were looking for my formal bio, please click here.
Random factoids:
- My brother is an incredibly talented professor in the neuroscience department at Brown University.
- I played waterpolo when I was a teenager and won multiple national championships in Egypt.
- I love cycling and hate cars - cities that do not have good cycling infrastructure are just built incorrectly.
The rest of this page has snippets of information about my life before joining Cornell.
Photos of Awards:

Recorded talks from when I was a junior PhD student:
The UofT FPGA seminar is a right of passage for any FPGA researcher at UofT. I had fun delivering the two talks below and attending countless others.
Where I lived:
I’ve spent half of my life moving between countries. I was born in Egypt in 1988, on the 8th of August (yes, I have the best birth date ever: 8/8/88), and I spent my formative years there until I finished most of my undergrad degree. I had a very happy childhood and teenage years in Egypt – to me, it’s one of the best places in the world.

In the begining of 2009, I left Egypt and headed for Germany where I worked on my BSc thesis then did my MSc degree at the University of Stuttgart. This was the first time I lived alone and I owe much of my personal growth and independence to the time I spent in Germany.

In 2011, exactly 3 days after submitting my MSc thesis, I took a flight to Canada where I spent the following 7 years. I lived in Toronto, and I consider it to be my second home. In Toronto, I completed my PhD with Vaughn Betz, got married to the wonderful and talented Lina El-Shamy, started my first industrial job at Altera-now-Intel and had my first child Omar.

Next, I took my family and went to Cambridge in the UK to work at an exciting research lab that was just starting. I joined Nic Lane and Andrew Blake, and helped build the Samsung AI Center in Cambridge. I spent 3 years there leading the AutoML research team. In 2020, my second child Layal was born.

Towards the end of 2021, I will move to New York City to start as an Assistant Professor at Cornell Tech and ECE Cornell. Being a professor is the best job in the world. I belive that my diversity of experiences as a student, engineer, researcher, husband and father have well-prepared me for this amazing position.